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5.0 (2 reviews)
Hired 3 times
I am a passionate and creative person when its comes to food,I love what I do,lets make your weddings and events a memorable one with our dishes.
5.0 (1 review)
Hired twice
We cater for all kinds of occasions with local and continental dishes, small chops, barbecue, etc JUST THE WAY YOU WANT IT... We also reduce stress and stock up your fridge with varieties of meals....
Hired once
We are your One-Stop Shop for all your event needs ranging from Celebration cakes, finger foods, cocktails, desserts, local meals,beauty and skin care, Event planning services As your Event Supermark... (show more)
Twelvetwentyninefoods is a company that cares for your culinary needs of parties or any other gathering which requires quick meal or edibles
We are a catering company with a mission of becoming a global brand in the food service sector within the shortest time. Excellent service and quality delivery is the hallmark of our service. We have ... (show more)
An indoor and outdoor catering company based in Lagos. We provide a wide range of menu to suit our customers taste and preferences
+ 5
We specialise in serenading taste buds with our Cakes,dessert,smallchops,grills and fruit trees.
Am a food vendor known for excellent performance in terms of food presentation and taste. We cater for all events and at a very affordable price. We are based in Lagos,Abuja,Benin and Ibadan. For us o... (show more)
+ 6
Abike chops is a brand that deals with all kinds of appetizers for all your events. Our chops are made in the most sanitary conditions possible with the finest of ingredients and lots of love.

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