How To Avoid Being Late For Your Own Wedding

By Ademola Adeyoju |

Why do couples show up late at their own weddings

What's the point in keeping everyone waiting?


Showing up late has become a peculiar feature in Nigerian weddings. The idea has somehow established itself as an unbreakable pattern. It is not very classy, and it is a curious behavior that should be completely annihilated.

Here are a few quick tips that can help you avoid getting late to one of the most important events of your life:

Choose a Convenient Time for the Ceremony

Most Nigerian weddings are fixed around 9-10am. But ask yourself: can you, in all honesty, conclude all preparations and make it to the venue by that time? Consider the time your makeup artistes, the stylists, and the bridal train will take to get ready; reflect on other unpredictable factors that might get in the way. So, how about fixing the ceremony for 11:00am or 12pm? That is the time you’re going to show up anyways when you’re late.

Have a Light Bachelor/Bachelorette’s Eve

Not every couple opt for a bachelor/bachelorette (and I think it’s best not to), but if you and your partner would like to have one, you should be wise about it. Your choice of how to spend the night doesn’t have to follow the popular drunk-partying, strip-clubbing, all-night-wild-adventure pattern. This leaves you dizzy, weak, and inert. It gets you in a needless state of urgency, and ultimately makes you show up behind schedule. If you must, organize your bachelor/bachelorette party a day before the eve of your wedding. This way, you can have enough time to rest and regain your energy.

Use an Appropriate Venue

Urban traffic in Nigeria is greatly unpredictable; traffic congestion can keep one in a spot for hours. You don’t want to experience this on your wedding day; hence, it is advisable to have your wedding ceremony in a place not very far from your place of residence or not far from a hotel/suite where you plan to lodge. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Your plans to arrive early are safer that way.


Keep Tabs on Your Groomsmen/Bridesmaids

The groomsmen/bridesmaids play sensitive roles. Customarily, they organize bachelor’s/bachelorette party, bear the ring, take some of your calls, runs mild errands for you, and literally wipe the sweat off your face. Unless you want them to delay the whole proceeding, keep tabs on them and make sure they arrive several minutes before the wedding.

Get Your Priorities Straight

Yes, I know - there are many things to take care of; many final checks to be made, but you cannot give everything your attention. Trying to fix everything is a vain effort that may lead to frustration and increase your stress level. Know your priorities and stick to them.   

Conclusion: The above tips - though in no way exhaustive – will help couples who dare to defy the norm and refuse to follow the ugly path of tardiness. Abiding by them means you’re on your way to having a flawless, punctual wedding. Alongside things like interviews and court appearances, your wedding is something you should not be late for.
