Things To Do After Getting Married

By Ademola Adeyoju |


Let me take a moment to congratulate you on your marriage. All the anxiety that comes with planning a wedding, the nerve-wracking experience that you had as you took the long walk to the altar, the heightened moments of great excitement, and the depressing, frustrating period of worries have become feelings and emotions buried in the past.


Now that you have said “I do”, what do you do next? What happens now?

The days following a wedding ceremony can have an anti-climax effect. After putting in so much time and energy, and brain and money into a wedding affair; after spending hours planning the perfect wedding theme, picking dresses, getting caterers, decorators, and photographers, you might begin to feel a little let down as the noise dies down, and you might begin to ask yourself what the point of everything was.

So much for so little.

But hey, it’s perfectly okay to be overwhelmed with funny feelings after your wedding. This is not uncommon. Don’t worry, it’s just a phase that almost every couples experience. Soon you’ll get busy with other thoughts and with real responsibilities that comes with the marvelous union called marriage. In the meantime, check out this quick list of things to do right after your wedding.

  • This might sound like a non-advice, but hey, chill the heck out! Calm your nerves. Take some deep breaths, and tell yourself that it’s going to be alright; that you’re strong, and that the lifetime journey with your partner will be totally awesome.
  • Promptly send out doses of appreciations to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend your wedding, anyone and everyone who has contributed in any way or manner, and everyone who has got you a gift. They will know that you truly appreciate them, and they will love you for saying thank you.
  • If you’re a lady, you will as a matter of course need to change your name. Do this immediately after the wedding, and monitor the changes to ensure that they reflect on all your legal documents, bank accounts, driver’s license, alumni associations, and so on. The earlier you effect these changes, the better.
  • Go through your wedding photos, relive those cherished moments, select the pictures according to categories and create a great wedding album that tells your love story and how you have celebrated your big day in a smooth and dynamic fashion.
  • Have some serious talks with your partner and discuss what you want to do next and how you want the future to be. Make efforts to draw out clear plans, set goals, and devise means to achieve them. Your future – and those of your unborn children – are in your hands now, and are determined by the choices you make.
  • Be calm and sensitive. You’re now living with someone who has come from a totally different background, and who probably has different preferences when it comes to a great many matters. Sex, money, and stress may cause a strain and threaten to build a bridge between you both. Certain traits might also begin to manifest in your partner. Correct him/her when you feel like you absolutely need to. Be tolerant and kind, be patient and be sensitive.

Have a wonderful marriage experience! 
