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Royalty cakebites & event Management is an outfit you can trust. Our service covers: Event Decorations, cake making, catering, event planning, makeovers, small chops interiors decorations We imagine w... (show more)
We offer professional event management /planning /coordination /ushers /Decoration /party favors for your event. We handle both social and cooperate events and we give utmost attention to your details... (show more)
+ 3
events by michelle is an event planning company that specializes in planning all kinds of events such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, corporate events etc.
+ 1
We are an Event Solutions Company established to meet the needs of our clients in helping them prepare for and go through their events putting a Glamorous touch to your satisfaction which is our upmos... (show more)
Dbest Events Planners is an organization, with creative team and we specialise in Organizing and Coordinating Decorations Small chops Asun Cake Cocktails Bbq fish Alcoholic drinks Training Regards to ... (show more)
Event planner extraordinaire , plan and coordinate all type of events, from weddings to cooperate events, birthdays, showers and social events ...
+ 6
Kata2u Events is an event planning, coordination and management company that specializes in bringing your ideas and dream events to reality. We offer the very best execution and aim for perfection of ... (show more)
Young and Creative entrepreneur,friendly to the core, listens and plan your event to your taste, a promise to give your events a golden touch.
+ 1
Da glitters Ushers/ Events deals with the provision of Ushers, Bouncers(security men), Models, and makeup-Artist at events. Our fee is budget friendly and we are professionals in our field. A trial wi... (show more)
+ 1

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