The Best 214 Small Chops Caterers near you

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Top Small Chops Caterers near you

5.0 (1 review)
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Bumtem catering services available in all occasion Wedding ceremony Naming ceremony Funeral ceremony Conference meeting Etc
Your taste is our concern With a taste that make a reference.
We make crunchy and tasty smallchops. Barbeque n meals. Quality is our watchword
+ 8
Yoh Smallchopz and Foods provides in-house catering for a variety of events including business meetings conferences corporate entertainment and much more. Whatever the event, wherever it is, we give y... (show more)
+ 4
Specialized in making samosa,springrolls,cupcakes,birthday cakes,meatpies,donuts,puff puff,shawarma,burger,milkshake,juices for parties,meetings,weddings and events
+ 8
Urbanandspicy is a catering company with style for your special corporate event etc....we colour your event with our delicious local continental dishes..small chops..cocktail...etc....we do express de... (show more)
+ 5
We make pastries like doughnuts, meat pies,egg rolls, chicken pie, sausage rolls , samosa,spring rolls , different types of cakes, peppered snail and chicken, barbeque chicken,etc
+ 4
We Mixed Drinks & Set up your Event with Customized Mobile Bar to Serve your Cocktail Drinks Mocktail Drinks Smoothies Drinks. Milk Punch Fruit Trees And we Grilled at the venue to spices your event w... (show more)

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