Price Estimate for a Drinks or Cocktail Mixologist

How much does a drinks or cocktail mixologist cost?

Average cost for a professional drinks or cocktail mixologist ranges from ₦ 400 - ₦ 800.

400-800 PER GUEST

How much does Cocktail and Mocktail Cost?

Mixologist for cocktails offer services for different types of events and cost depends on the event location and number of guests been served. Cocktails often cost more than Mocktails.
Mocktails is alcohol free and often cheaper than cocktail which is not alcohol free.
The quality of cocktail and mocktail also differ based on customer request and this also affect the price per glass.

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How do we know these prices?

Thousands of people ask ogaVenue for drinks or cocktail mixologists every month.
We track the price estimates sent by the drinks or cocktail mixologists, then we share these prices with you.
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