5 Things Not To Overlook When Planning a Wedding

By Peace Ikhielea |

Image: TheKnot

Weddings come with so much pressure to achieve the perfect outcome on the actual day. But most times; intending couples forget or overlook small but important details that could help them have a great wedding event. So in this article; I will be highlighting 5 tips that should not be overlooked in planning a wedding.


1) Select the date carefully

Out of excitement to get married, a lot of persons pick wedding dates without caution. Before selecting a date, put into consideration few things like; if the proposed date falls on a public event, yuletide celebration. You also consider the hotel booking especially for your guests. If you select a wedding date to be during Christmas, for example, it is certain you will pay a lot more for hotel booking, venue, wedding accessories and foodstuffs. This is because that period of the year; goods are on the high side and there will be more commuting between states. But if you select a date which doesn't fall when there will be holidays, events, etc... You will save yourself a whole lot more cost and enjoy your day.

2) Do Not Take Mother Nature For Granted 

I think this point should come first before picking a date. Consider the weather forecast and the climate period before selecting a date or choosing a venue. You won't like it raining heavily on your wedding day especially if you want to go for an outdoor reception or wedding event. It is more favorable to pick a date for the wedding during the dry season unlike the raining season where you cannot actually tell if there would be rainfall on a particular day. Like I pointed earlier; checking out weather forecast helps also. So please don't ignore nature, it will help as well to achieve the great wedding ceremony.

3) Select A Venue Based On Your Expected Guests

I don't know why this point is still overlooked by people. You want a great wedding event but your funds are limited and you are about to choose a venue but you can't really decide if to go for an indoor or outdoor venue; then you should know the number of guests you expect at your wedding. Perhaps you are expecting 150 guests; you don't need a large hall for that, all you need is a compact and equipped sizeable hall to accommodate those 150 persons you have invited. Don't go wasting money on renting a large and expensive hall or venue when your guests will not occupy up to half of the venue and vice-versa for someone expecting up to 300-500 guests; you cannot rent a small venue for that kind of number.

4) Not every Invitee will attend

When I say this to some people, they look at me as if I am talking gibberish. There is no event honestly that every invitee attends maybe except the ones they share money. If you are expecting 200 guests, prepare your mind that only 95% might actually turn up so that when purchasing drinks, food and souvenirs you don't splurge. You will save more if you put this in consideration.

5) Provide Accurate directions to the venue

This is the final point in this article. Some guests end up not attending a wedding because they were not able to locate the wedding venue and you will not want this to be the case with your wedding. To avoid unnecessary calls and tension on your day with people asking how to locate the venue; inform the wedding invite printer of the need to provide driving directions on how to locate the venue and a detailed description on the location in a segment on the invite or you can also mail the direction of the place to the Email address of your expected guests.

  1. Select the date carefully
  2. Do not take mother nature for granted
  3. Select a venue based on your expected guest
  4. Not every invitee will attend
  5. Provide accurate direction to the venue 

If you are able to work with these tips; You're set to have an amazing wedding.
