Wedding Stories

Stories by 'Oluwashantel'
What Every Customer Support Representative Should Know

Image: Bureau of Labour Statistics

I have worked in an organization as a customer support officer and I have to say, it was fun and exhausting all at once. I had the privilege to speak to people from different walks of life, people with different temperaments and requirements and I learnt most of the points I’m about to discuss the hard way. 

How To Talk About The Future Of Your Relationship With Your Partner

Image: shutterstock

Talking to your partner can help you find out if you and your significant other are on the same page about moving your relationship forward. It doesn't happen via text, email or any other techy way but with a good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation. You share and bare your feelings, and hopefully he’ll do the same in a positive way. Who knows, he might just pop the queston after thus conversation.

7 Types of Bridesmaids At A Wedding Party

An average bride wants her friends to play a major role on her big day, she longs to have her friends as involved in the process as they can be, hence, the bridesmaids. Most of these friends are either really close to the bride or have made major impact in her life at some point, maybe even introduced her to the groom. This simply means that there are different personalities rolled into the bridesmaids' ball. These are the different types of bridesmaids you will most likely find at any wedding party.

Banke's Tales : The Relationship (3)

This is the third part of this story, if you are stumbling on this, you might want to read Part one and two here. The Relationship (1) The Relationship(2) .

“Calm down Bee, It’s not what you think?” Bode sounded strained. “How can it not be?” Bianca continued screaming, you murdered him, you evil man, you murdered him, I should have known you were capable of-” Bianca was sobbing now. “ Bee, do not say anything you will regret, I’m coming over to you now, stay there and don’t call anyone” Bode put on his khaki shorts and yellow vest, picked up his car keys and dashed out like a mad person was on his trail.

Banke's Tales : The Relationship (2)

This is the continuation of this story, if you just stumbled on this, you might want to click here to read the first part.

A waiter who had witnessed the horrible scene watched as the ‘gentleman’ started to move his fist towards the lady, he couldn’t watch what was about to happen so he ran to the man and told him the company was against assault as it wasn’t good for publicity. “Who are you to tell me what is or isn’t acceptable?” Bode exclaimed,

Banke's Tales: The Relationship

Bianca wished she never accepted his proposal, even as she hurried out of her small office so that she could beat the traffic to meet him for their dinner date. She looked at her wristwatch, one of the many gifts she constantly got from her lover, she checked how many minutes she had left before he pronounced her late as usual. She managed to plaster a smile on her face to murmur goodbyes to her colleagues who showed no signs of leaving early. 'The day has been stressful enough, i won't add working late to the mix'. Bianca mused to herself.

Three Things We Learnt From #BAAD 2017

Photo Credit: SCGEORGE photographer

Duh! You all already knew I was so going to write about this. Now, love is a beautiful thing. But love between Banky and Susu is magical. I awaited their union like I personally had a stake in it. Two effortlessly affable people coming together to build a home, now that’s something to desire. And so, as I sat on my flat bed scrolling through pictures from the wedding and thinking of how my data would probably vanish soon, some things occurred to me about their union. Stuff that might seem plain but on closer look carries a deeper meaning.

Disclaimer:  Banky W or Adesua did not tell me anything o, I’m merely using my church mind.

Banke’s Tales : When Karma Is Your Friend (3)

This is the concluding part of this story; you can read the first and second part before continuing. (Karma 1 & Karma 2).

I dropped my phone through shaky hands and sank to the floor, I know that sounds dramatic but at this point, I was already very much in love with Demola and I wasn’t in the mood for any heart breaks (not that anyone ever is). After a few minutes of indulging in some serious self –pity, I stood up and called my friend, she always knew what to do in situations like this. “Babe” I started as soon as she picked it, “I think Demola is dating that Temmy girl I told you about”. “The one from the wedding?” she replied. “I knew it, I just knew that something was up with that girl, she get olosho eye, husband snatcher gene dey her body, we need to show her we don’t play around”

Banke's Tales : When Karma is Your Friend(2)

This is the continuation of this story and in case you stumbled on this, you might want to read the first part. (Click Here To Read Part One) Demola and I continued talking after the party and I soon forgot about Temmy. As a matter of fact, things went so smoothly that we started dating in a matter of days, I thought there was no point prolonging the inevitable, afterall, we were in love.

Four Cake Designs To Consider For Your Wedding

At a time when it seems like there are so many cake deisgns that you could get lost trying to pick one, i have put together five different cake designs that would be perfect for your wedding. As a bride or groom to be, you are always free to modify these choices to your taste as long you keep it classy, elegant and simple at the same time.